How to find a profitable Amazon Kindle (KDP) niche?
Amazon Kindle (KDP)niche research:
The simplest way to find the best profitable Amazon Kindle (KDP) niche is, to pick any word or product from daily life. The most important things nowadays are corona, online teaching, kids, education, Christmas, and winter. Now go on Amazon write any of these words in the search bar. Before that download the Chrome amz suggestion expander extension.

When you will write anything in the Amazon search bar it will expand suggestions. Choose any suggestion from that list and see its results. They will appear on the top left. If they are less than 6k that’s cool to work on. If it’s like 10k or more, then dive into its depth. e.g you choose Corona now corona itself is a huge thing you have to dive in-depth like precautions for Corona or how to be safe from being infected, etc. Try to dive in-depth till you find the best niche with high demand and low competition.
Simply observe around you …….
Then after that, once you get your niche write in the search bar and observe the layouts, cover design, interiors, descriptions, etc of other sellers you can check 20 results at least and then note down all the good points from every book you observe. After all, this starts your work.
Writing the best book:
1 best book takes at least 15 to 20 days to be made or written here I am talking about ebooks matter it’s nonfiction or fiction. It’s so easy to make the best book and earn through it. If you don’t have good enough skills to write hire someone but don’t compromise on the quality of the book just to save some bucks because if you are providing trash and expecting jewels then you are in the wrong place.KDP is something where there is no short cut no compromise with quality, just do your best and you will earn.
For quick and best results use ads.
For KDP courses or hiring…